Inverse Kinematics and Inverse Reachability Map
Date and Time
2022-08-12 2:00 오후
22319 (off-line)
Joo YoungHwan
This seminar is about inverse kinematics(IK), one of the main problems of manipulators. We introduce both analytical and numerical methods. In particular, we introduce Newton’s method and DLS method in numerical ways and prove optimality. Examples of codes using MATLAB are included. Finally, IRM, one of the main applications of IK, is described and a code is attached to find the base pose when given an arbitrary eef position.
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Lynch, K. M., & Park, F. C. (2017). Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control. Cambridge Univerisity Press.
Buss, Samuel & Kim, Jin-Su. (2005). Selectively Damped Least Squares for Inverse Kinematics. J. Graphics Tools. 10. 37-49. 10.1080/2151237X.2005.10129202.
Kelley, C. T. (1999). Iterative methods for optimization. S.l.: s.n..
Amir Beck. (2014). Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications with MATLAB. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA.
Peter Corke. (2013). Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB (1st. ed.). Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.
Jung, H., Jeon, J., Yumbla, F., & Moon, H. (2021, December 1). Efficient Base Repositioning for Mobile Manipulation based on Inverse Reachability. Journal of Korea Robotics Society. The Korea Robotics Society.
Ye, Xuan & Luo, Lan & Hou, Li & Duan, Yang & Wu, Yang. (2020). Laser Ablation Manipulator Coverage Path Planning Method Based on an Improved Ant Colony Algorithm. Applied Sciences. 10. 8641. 10.3390/app10238641.
Buss, Samuel & Kim, Jin-Su. (2005). Selectively Damped Least Squares for Inverse Kinematics. J. Graphics Tools. 10. 37-49. 10.1080/2151237X.2005.10129202.
Kelley, C. T. (1999). Iterative methods for optimization. S.l.: s.n..
Amir Beck. (2014). Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications with MATLAB. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, USA.
Peter Corke. (2013). Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB (1st. ed.). Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated.
Jung, H., Jeon, J., Yumbla, F., & Moon, H. (2021, December 1). Efficient Base Repositioning for Mobile Manipulation based on Inverse Reachability. Journal of Korea Robotics Society. The Korea Robotics Society.
Ye, Xuan & Luo, Lan & Hou, Li & Duan, Yang & Wu, Yang. (2020). Laser Ablation Manipulator Coverage Path Planning Method Based on an Improved Ant Colony Algorithm. Applied Sciences. 10. 8641. 10.3390/app10238641.
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